A Relationship With Jesus

The Ultimate Gift

"For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life."  John 3:16 TPT

What This Means...

It has been said that success in life comes from who you know!!! We couldn’t agree more!! Knowing Jesus Christ and having a personal relationship with Him is the key to ultimately Winning IN Life. 


God is not mad at you!!!!
God loves you and He didn’t send His Son Jesus into the world to condemn the world. (John 3:17)  He is not sitting in Heaven, far away from you, waiting for you to fail. He loves you and has a great plan for your life!!! 


God sent Jesus to save us from our sinful nature, so we could have a chance at a great life with the power to say no to sin!! Our redemption has been accomplished solely by the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ.
Jesus came so that we could have life and that [life] more abundantly!! (John 10:10)


If God sent Jesus so that you could have a chance at a great life, then what is the deal???
Sin separates us from our loving Father God and it separates us from the good plans that He has for us. Man’s first step toward salvation is godly sorrow that works repentance. We must acknowledge that we are sinners, not by what we do but what we are, and that Jesus paid the price for those sins. (Romans 3:23; 6:23)


What does this have to do with me??? What is my part in all of this???
Jesus paid for our wrongness!! As we believe what He did for us and acknowledge this payment for our sins - He gives us His rightness and makes a way for us to experience the good life that God created us to live. (2 Corinthians 5:21)
We must accept what He has done for us personally. (John 1:12)
God wants you to experience peace, joy, forgiveness and all the great promises He wrote down in His Word, His contract of love, for you. Your first step on this journey is to receive what Jesus has already done for you!
Pray this prayer, from your heart, to begin the most wonderful adventure of your life!!!
Dear God,
“I realize that I am a sinner. I could never pay for all the wrong I have done, but Jesus already has. Thank you, Jesus for dying on the cross to pay for my sin and to provide an opportunity for me to receive eternal life. I receive forgiveness for my sins. I believe that Jesus rose from the dead making my salvation possible. Thank You for giving me a new beginning, making me new,  and thank You for the awesome new life You have provided for me. I receive you as my Lord and Savior. I give you my heart and my life. Please make me all You created me to be.”
If you prayed this prayer and meant it from your heart – you are brand new on the inside (2 Corinthians 5:17-18)!!!
You have a clean heart and a new start in life!!!  That is so cool!!! We want to be the first to congratulate you on choosing Jesus!!! Jesus wants you Winning In Life Daily!!!!
We praise God for you and would love to hear from you!!!!
We would love for you to contact us and we'll be glad to get you connected with others in your area who are living this journey out and help you walk daily with Jesus in the new life He provided for you!