WILD Words

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2025 Confessions

A Year of Shifts!

Kids Confessions

Our words are containers of power. They carry either life or death and release destiny and purpose as we speak them. What a privilege to have a part in shaping the identity of our children! Each one of them is like a package of potential – ready to be unleashed on this world to bring impact in significant ways. They are influencers, leaders, and joy carriers. We want to be the loudest voice in their development, the greatest advocate for their cause.  We want them to have an identity that matches their God-given destiny!  
Let’s release these powerful declarations over them:

WILD 2025 Word

2025 will be a year of shifts. This is not a time to relax or withdraw due to weariness. We must not live distracted lives, numbed by the bombardment of constant input of information and scrolling. There is much more to be apprehended; and the enemy is mounting a new offensive. He will not relent in his designs on the next generation or his attempts to overthrow God’s plans. It is a time to sharpen our discernment and attentively and intentionally pursue God and His will. This must be implemented individually and corporately, for families and churches. There is SO MUCH MORE!