When the King Rides In
(Matt. 21:1-10) As we are closing in on Passion Week I wanted to take a closer look at the Triumphal Entry. This narrative is found in all four of the gospels. Before it was lived out by Jesus, it was predicted of Him some 500 years earlier. (Zech. 9:9)
Messianic prophecy is always tremendously encouraging. There are hundreds of prophecies laid out in the Old Testament that have been fulfilled, and some yet to be, by our Messiah! God is a Keeper of His Word.
There are several lessons we can learn from this prophetic fulfillment performed by Jesus. First of all, He came riding on a donkey. Normally when conquering kings came ostentatiously into a city they were on the finest of horses, showing their power and prestige. King Jesus had more power than any king who had ever ridden into a city, but He came on a donkey. He was telling us…I’m not like the earthly kings displaying my temporary fame. I come in a way unexpected…A King entering the city as a commoner. Also, I come in peace. Peace is what would have been interpreted by his choice of transportation. It’s quite ironic that this peaceful King would be hung on a cross to die a criminal’s death not too many days from then.
Another result of this well-known event is that it engendered a response from the crowd. They readily threw their outer garments and tree branches on the ground to make a smooth pathway for the King. They were in a sense welcoming Him, honoring Him, and acknowledging a Great One was entering that day. We see this act another time in Scripture (2 Kings 9:13) and these acts were preformed to acknowledge their king.
Their shouts also publicized an enormous admission. (Matt. 21:9 explore other translations)
Wow!!! Several things are being disclosed here! They are proclaiming that He is the Messiah by calling Him “Son of David.” By proclaiming this and due to Jesus’ actual bloodlines, He was a candidate to take the throne…intimating a government upheaval!
By crying out “Hosanna” they were literally aligning themselves to this purpose. The word actually means, “Save us,” “Deliver us,” or in Aramaic, “Give us the victory!”
Although the King was riding in peacefully, the crowds wanted Jesus to overthrow the Roman government and release them from their oppression. They wanted a King and victory on their own terms.
When the King rides in everything is shaken. Verse 10 tells us “all the city was moved.” The violence of this word is close to the meaning of an earthquake. The whole city was thrown into an uproar by the entrance of this Royal One. Jesus often comes in a way not anticipated. The people loved the miracles and the way He fed the masses. They were ready to make Jesus their earthly king, for temporal relief and comforts. But this King came to set real eternal dynamics in place. (Luke 12:49-51; John 12:27-28; John 16:28; John 17:20-24)
A few days later, the ambitious crowd would become a murderous mob and they would call for the crucifixion of their King. Jesus came to topple evil kingdoms and set His people free but this would come at the cost of the cross and His life laid upon that altar. When He ascended some 40 days later, He left us with a promise that He will return! This time He will be the King upon a horse! (Rev. 19:11-16; Luke 19:39-40)
The uproar in the city caused the people to wonder…”Who is this?” Our earnest prayer is that you would know the King and be ever ready for His conquering, victorious return!
Much love from all of us at WILD!
Messianic prophecy is always tremendously encouraging. There are hundreds of prophecies laid out in the Old Testament that have been fulfilled, and some yet to be, by our Messiah! God is a Keeper of His Word.
There are several lessons we can learn from this prophetic fulfillment performed by Jesus. First of all, He came riding on a donkey. Normally when conquering kings came ostentatiously into a city they were on the finest of horses, showing their power and prestige. King Jesus had more power than any king who had ever ridden into a city, but He came on a donkey. He was telling us…I’m not like the earthly kings displaying my temporary fame. I come in a way unexpected…A King entering the city as a commoner. Also, I come in peace. Peace is what would have been interpreted by his choice of transportation. It’s quite ironic that this peaceful King would be hung on a cross to die a criminal’s death not too many days from then.
Another result of this well-known event is that it engendered a response from the crowd. They readily threw their outer garments and tree branches on the ground to make a smooth pathway for the King. They were in a sense welcoming Him, honoring Him, and acknowledging a Great One was entering that day. We see this act another time in Scripture (2 Kings 9:13) and these acts were preformed to acknowledge their king.
Their shouts also publicized an enormous admission. (Matt. 21:9 explore other translations)
Wow!!! Several things are being disclosed here! They are proclaiming that He is the Messiah by calling Him “Son of David.” By proclaiming this and due to Jesus’ actual bloodlines, He was a candidate to take the throne…intimating a government upheaval!
By crying out “Hosanna” they were literally aligning themselves to this purpose. The word actually means, “Save us,” “Deliver us,” or in Aramaic, “Give us the victory!”
Although the King was riding in peacefully, the crowds wanted Jesus to overthrow the Roman government and release them from their oppression. They wanted a King and victory on their own terms.
When the King rides in everything is shaken. Verse 10 tells us “all the city was moved.” The violence of this word is close to the meaning of an earthquake. The whole city was thrown into an uproar by the entrance of this Royal One. Jesus often comes in a way not anticipated. The people loved the miracles and the way He fed the masses. They were ready to make Jesus their earthly king, for temporal relief and comforts. But this King came to set real eternal dynamics in place. (Luke 12:49-51; John 12:27-28; John 16:28; John 17:20-24)
A few days later, the ambitious crowd would become a murderous mob and they would call for the crucifixion of their King. Jesus came to topple evil kingdoms and set His people free but this would come at the cost of the cross and His life laid upon that altar. When He ascended some 40 days later, He left us with a promise that He will return! This time He will be the King upon a horse! (Rev. 19:11-16; Luke 19:39-40)
The uproar in the city caused the people to wonder…”Who is this?” Our earnest prayer is that you would know the King and be ever ready for His conquering, victorious return!
Much love from all of us at WILD!
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