And Peter…

   There are several stories in the Gospels that include Peter, probably because he’s one of the most relatable among the disciples. We see ourselves in his impetuousness, his proneness to answer out of turn, his over confidence in his own ability, and despite all this, his radical love for Jesus. One of the most awesome things about the Bible is that it never sugar coats the stories of its characters. This is one of Its features that gives credence to its veracity. The Bible tells the truth, even about how flawed we all are…and yet He loves us.
    Peter was so sure that He could do anything to stand up and fight for Jesus. He even took up arms in the garden. (John 18:7-11)
   How have we responded wrongly in a given situation? Yet, Luke’s Gospel tells us that Jesus healed the servant’s ear. (Luke 22:51)
   Just like Peter, we don’t always get it right, sometimes even with the right heart we respond wrongly. But the powerful thing is Jesus sees us through the eyes of love and God’s perspective in what He is making us to be. This is the truly magnanimous lesson taught through Peter’s life. Ordinary guy…super rough around the edges…prone to mistakes. Yet, Jesus called him. Jesus mentored him and most importantly, Jesus didn’t let Peter’s mistakes define him or determine his destiny! He even warned Peter (and the rest of disciples) of some tough things that were ahead. Jesus repeatedly taught about his death (and resurrection) before it occurred. (John 2:19-22; Mark 8:31-33)
   This time Peter had really done it! Jesus even referred to his words and actions as satanic…yikes. We see his greatest failure just ahead as He denies Jesus, just as He said he would. (Matthew 26:73-75)
   We like to think we would have done better than Peter, but it’s doubtful. We must consider the tremendous pressure that was upon the disciples in this season with an ungodly governmental system, possible death looming for all of them, uncertainty about the future; all that they had trusted in was now in question, even their strong Leader was now a prisoner. No one knew what to do or what was next.  Always remember, failure isn’t final, and this is not the end of Peter’s story.  Peter is restored by Jesus and this starts when Heaven asks for him by name after He has risen from the dead. (Mark 16:1-7)
   Even though in the eyes of those on earth Peter was a failure; Heaven knew his name and called for him. It’s time we begin to walk in Heaven’s perspective. The enemy would like us to focus on our weaknesses and mistakes but God is calling us by name to walk in our destinies and live out the purposes that have been planned before the foundation of the world.
     After this we see Jesus coming to the shores of the Sea of Tiberias. Peter had returned to the familiarity of fishing, disillusioned by the “loss” of Jesus. It’s so amazing that Jesus comes there and meets Peter in the lows of his disappointment. He lovingly restores him.
     Peter’s story ascends from here. Jesus has a way of turning things around! We see Peter preaching on the Day of Pentecost, where just a short while earlier he had run in fear from a servant girl, cursing and resorting to his old ways. But when Peter was finished with his plans, Jesus wasn’t finished with Peter. Heaven’s plan was still in operation, calling for Peter to be restored.
     Peter becomes a leader in the early church and walking so powerfully in the ways and Presence of God that even his shadow brought healing…imagine! (Acts 5:12-16)
   All of the disciples (except John) in the above text had left Jesus in His hour of need. But here we see them functioning powerfully in miracles by the Spirit of the Lord! Heaven sees God’s design for your life! “And Peter!” I believe the Lord is calling all of us…put your name in there: “And ______!” His greatest desire is to see the manifestation of Heaven through His beloved ones! Restoration is at work in the earth, bringing forth God’s best in these last days! Let’s allow our hearts to burn for Him!! (Romans 8:28)

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