Isaiah 26:3-4 - This wonderfully familiar verse uses this word yetser. This word is used 9 times throughout the Old Testament. In this particular verse it is translated mind. Yetser in the Hebrew however means conception or purpose. The root of this word gives the idea of “squeezing into shape; to mould into a form; especially as a potter; figuratively, to determine (i.e. form a resolution).” (Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary).
The concept of this word is thoroughly established throughout Scripture. Proverbs 23:7, Proverbs 4:23
The Passion Translation of this verse is particularly insightful: “So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.” – Proverbs 4:23 TPT
We pay attention to a lot of things and in our world today we have more contending for our attention, time, and thought processes than any other generation. It is so critical to realize that this vying for our attention is neither accidental or incidental!!! What we think about effects everything about us and actually what we become. It effects our quality of life and well…everything!
Going back to the word yetser, this word gives us the idea that what we focus on is framing up or forming our lives! I love the Passion Translation of this verse: “Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those whose imaginations are consumed with you; they confidently trust in you.” – Isaiah 26:3 TPT
The word “imaginations” in this verse is the word yetser! By translating yetser into imagination it gives us an enormous amount of revelation. As adults we have often left “imagination” years ago as a type of childish exercise. Nothing, possibly, has robbed us more. Imagination is tied to our creativity and potentially produces great things in our life. This is where we find another use of this word insightful. David’s great desire was to build a dwelling place for God on the earth, but that was to be the privilege of his son, Solomon. So he spent much of his latter life preparing for this great undertaking and here we find a prayer where you can sense his intense yearning for this desire to be fulfilled. 1 Chronicles 29:16-19 NKJV
David knew the power of imagination to direct God’s people in their affairs. He had experienced first-hand how one’s heart could be seduced away from the purposes of God and imagination could be used in a sinful way. This is the war of all wars in our culture. For what we focus on and consume ourselves with we will become. Colossians 3:18 NKJV
This verse shows the positive result of focusing on God’s Word – it brings transformation! One of the greatest things we can do in a world gone crazy is give our imaginations and our focus to God’s Word! If we focus on the turmoil, strife, and hatred that is being emanated through much of the information being broadcast – that is what we will be filled with. I must say, honestly, this is not going to produce any kind of godly effects in the world. James 1:20-21 AMP
In Isaiah 26:3, this kind of imagination will produce perfect peace. In the Hebrew that is literally: Shalom – Shalom! A peace that brings wholeness and salvation. Our imagination, focused on the Lord and His Word, will produce this in our lives.
Paul in his final words to the Thessalonian church in his first epistle to them gives a list of bullet points that are so important to the believer. These are not just light suggestions, these are the commands that will lead us through the seasons of this life and the uncertainties of this world! 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 NKJV
Being thankful is God’s will!!! He knows if we maintain a grateful heart, it will hold us steady. Gratitude keeps us focused on what God is doing rather than what the enemy is doing. Gratitude keeps us from quenching the Spirit and keeps us in the presence of God. Being thankful reminds us Who is our source and Who will keep us, no matter what. Gratitude will strengthen our trust in the Lord and in His provision. Being thankful is a powerful, powerful expression of our faith!!! This is something we cannot do without and truthfully must increase in our practice in these days.
Look at how the Passion Translation expresses these verses in Isaiah: “Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those whose imaginations are consumed with you; they confidently trust in you. Yes, trust in the Lord Yahweh forever and ever! For Yah, the Lord God, is your Rock of Ages!” – Isaiah 26:3-4 TPT
God wants to surround us with His Shalom – His perfect peace. We open the door to this as we allow our imaginations (yetser) to be consumed with Him. Let’s be confidently encouraged and overflow with thanksgiving in this mighty reality. We are not at the mercy of the enemy and the spirit of this age. We can keep our hearts burning through awareness of His Presence and by vocalizing our gratitude for all He is and all He has done!! Keep burning and be consumed with Him! Psalm 112:7-8a NKJV
The concept of this word is thoroughly established throughout Scripture. Proverbs 23:7, Proverbs 4:23
The Passion Translation of this verse is particularly insightful: “So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.” – Proverbs 4:23 TPT
We pay attention to a lot of things and in our world today we have more contending for our attention, time, and thought processes than any other generation. It is so critical to realize that this vying for our attention is neither accidental or incidental!!! What we think about effects everything about us and actually what we become. It effects our quality of life and well…everything!
Going back to the word yetser, this word gives us the idea that what we focus on is framing up or forming our lives! I love the Passion Translation of this verse: “Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those whose imaginations are consumed with you; they confidently trust in you.” – Isaiah 26:3 TPT
The word “imaginations” in this verse is the word yetser! By translating yetser into imagination it gives us an enormous amount of revelation. As adults we have often left “imagination” years ago as a type of childish exercise. Nothing, possibly, has robbed us more. Imagination is tied to our creativity and potentially produces great things in our life. This is where we find another use of this word insightful. David’s great desire was to build a dwelling place for God on the earth, but that was to be the privilege of his son, Solomon. So he spent much of his latter life preparing for this great undertaking and here we find a prayer where you can sense his intense yearning for this desire to be fulfilled. 1 Chronicles 29:16-19 NKJV
David knew the power of imagination to direct God’s people in their affairs. He had experienced first-hand how one’s heart could be seduced away from the purposes of God and imagination could be used in a sinful way. This is the war of all wars in our culture. For what we focus on and consume ourselves with we will become. Colossians 3:18 NKJV
This verse shows the positive result of focusing on God’s Word – it brings transformation! One of the greatest things we can do in a world gone crazy is give our imaginations and our focus to God’s Word! If we focus on the turmoil, strife, and hatred that is being emanated through much of the information being broadcast – that is what we will be filled with. I must say, honestly, this is not going to produce any kind of godly effects in the world. James 1:20-21 AMP
In Isaiah 26:3, this kind of imagination will produce perfect peace. In the Hebrew that is literally: Shalom – Shalom! A peace that brings wholeness and salvation. Our imagination, focused on the Lord and His Word, will produce this in our lives.
Paul in his final words to the Thessalonian church in his first epistle to them gives a list of bullet points that are so important to the believer. These are not just light suggestions, these are the commands that will lead us through the seasons of this life and the uncertainties of this world! 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 NKJV
Being thankful is God’s will!!! He knows if we maintain a grateful heart, it will hold us steady. Gratitude keeps us focused on what God is doing rather than what the enemy is doing. Gratitude keeps us from quenching the Spirit and keeps us in the presence of God. Being thankful reminds us Who is our source and Who will keep us, no matter what. Gratitude will strengthen our trust in the Lord and in His provision. Being thankful is a powerful, powerful expression of our faith!!! This is something we cannot do without and truthfully must increase in our practice in these days.
Look at how the Passion Translation expresses these verses in Isaiah: “Perfect, absolute peace surrounds those whose imaginations are consumed with you; they confidently trust in you. Yes, trust in the Lord Yahweh forever and ever! For Yah, the Lord God, is your Rock of Ages!” – Isaiah 26:3-4 TPT
God wants to surround us with His Shalom – His perfect peace. We open the door to this as we allow our imaginations (yetser) to be consumed with Him. Let’s be confidently encouraged and overflow with thanksgiving in this mighty reality. We are not at the mercy of the enemy and the spirit of this age. We can keep our hearts burning through awareness of His Presence and by vocalizing our gratitude for all He is and all He has done!! Keep burning and be consumed with Him! Psalm 112:7-8a NKJV
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