The Atmosphere of Love

  Tumultuous times – an interesting phrase and one I think describes the temperament of our society. The word tumultuous means “disruptive, troubled, or disorderly.” One thing we hear often is “I just want things to get back to normal.” What is it that we are longing for or looking for? What changes could make a difference in the way things are or seem to be so out of control? The truth is these are stressful days and there are many things we just cannot change. We pray and seek the Lord for His intervention and for His Kingdom to come and we should continue praying fervently. Yet we must grapple with the reality of what exactly are we responsible for…what is our realm of influence…how can we make the “atmosphere” where we live better?
   One of the most difficult and unnerving aspects of our current societal condition is the level of absolute viral hatred that seems to be laced across all platforms: television media, podcasts, social media, news forums, and sadly even in some of our pulpits and pews.
   Again, we may not have a place or power of influence where we can affect change in some of these areas – but there is something we can immediately enforce.
(1 Peter 4:7-8 TPT)
   Peter’s insightful instructions let us know that in the difficult days we must be given to prayer – this is key! We need God’s intervention! Yet he adds – ABOVE ALL – in other words, this is the top priority, have intense love for one another! Let your love be evident – let your love be seen! We must do all we can to pray and agree with God’s purposes in the earth, however, this is not the only action that must be taken. The way we counter the hostility in our day is to create an atmosphere of love. (Colossians 3:14 NKJV)
   There it is again – ABOVE ALL – put on love. In other words, we ought to be wearing it. It ought to be evidenced everywhere we are. If we put on something it is in as close proximity as it can get. Love should surround us and consequently be evident to everyone who comes in contact with us. (Ephesians 3:17-19 TPT)
   The love of Christ is what grounds us and stabilizes us. When I think of tumultuous – I equate it with a stormy sea. Life can feel that way at times, but God’s love will anchor us in the reality of security and safety in Him. Remember that Jesus spoke to the storm and calmed the winds and waves. He’s still speaking today and His love is a stabilizing force in our lives. This is what the world is in desperate need of – people know how to hate and be divisive. It’s easy to argue and be contentious…but in the face of love – the enemy has no answer.
    Love is the antidote to the fear that seems to be occurring at suffocating levels!
(1 John 4:18-19 The New Testament: An Expanded Translation by Kenneth S. Wuest)
   If we are putting on love, if we are allowing love to anchor us – fear will be thrown out!! This is an absolute reality of living in love! As we experience this for ourselves, being absolutely solid in the love of God and constantly loving, it will also help us to carry this atmosphere of peace. We can literally create no-fear zones in our lives when we capitalize on loving God and loving each other!
   Going back to the verse from Colossians, let’s notice the context for additional directives. (Colossians 3:14-15 TPT)
   As we put on love and begin to create an atmosphere of love, peace can rule in our hearts. Just like when Jesus came on the scene and spoke to the storm – everything became calm. As we lean into love and allow this to be our core reality, peace will accompany this. Look at verse 15 in the Amplified Translation.
   Peace can settle our hearts when we feel overwhelmed by decisions that need to be made or questions we have about different things. Notice this verse calls it a “peaceful state.” That brings us back to the atmosphere. The powerful thing about responding to the Word is that even when we feel like we can’t change a lot of things…there are powerful principles, that if we put them into practice, will radically change our lives!
   As we are “letting” peace and love become predominate in our lives, through the way we think and respond, we will begin to experience an oasis of peace from this stormy world. How attractive will that be to those who are weary from the fight and fury of all that is battering our lives today?
   And the final phrase, “And always be thankful.” Gratitude is a practice with magnanimous benefits. Even science is beginning to access and proclaim the profit of exercising gratefulness. Awareness of God’s presence and work in our lives as well as expressing thanks to Him is a powerful expression of our faith. Notice this isn’t a suggestion: Always be thankful! Remain in a state of thankfulness! God always gives us instructions for our good and for our gain. This will help us tremendously in creating an atmosphere of love!  
  Keeping our hearts burning through awareness of His love and His goodness in our lives!! Keep burning for Him!        Much love from Mavis and all of us at WILD!

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